Workshops tend to have poor air quality due to the amount of dust in them, including sawdust, drywall dust and other types of debris. This is compounded by dirt, chemicals and so on, all of which can easily build up inside and reduce indoor air quality. The problem, of course, is that poor air quality can be a serious health and safety hazard. With that in mind, here’s how to improve air quality in your workshop.

  1. Filtration Is Essential

    Filtration is essential for improving the air quality in your workshop. This can be achieved through a couple of different methods. First, every workshop should be equipped with an air filtration device (AFD), which captures fine floating dust in the air.

    It’s also important to use a vacuum that has a HEPA filter (and, of course, to vacuum the workshop regularly). Vacuuming is superior to sweeping, because sweeping simply moves a lot of dust up into the air, without actually removing all of the particles. A HEPA vacuum, however, will trap small particles, including dust—up to 99.97% of them. The key is to remember to change both your filters and your vacuum cleaner bags regularly for the best possible results.

  2. Ventilation

    When it comes to achieving better air quality, one of the first rules is to improve ventilation by opening up the windows, which allows air to circulate better. This may not be possible during inclement weather or a cold snap, but even a short period of time with the windows open will have positive effects on air quality.

  3. Use Primary Collection Devices

    If you want to improve the air quality in your workshop, two items are essential: an air filtration device, as mentioned above, as well as primary collection devices, such as dust collectors. These devices are designed to collect dust as it’s being made, reducing the amount of dust that enters the air in the first place.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to improving air quality in your workshop, focus on three things: filtration via an air filtration device as well as regular vacuuming with a HEPA vacuum; proper ventilation; and primary collection devices to collect dust as it’s being created.

Janitized is an expert in industrial filter manufacturing. We offer a range of the highest quality replacement vacuum filters, all commercial grade, along with premium vacuum cleaner bags. Contact us today for more information.